Community Grant Funding
If you represent a local community organisation with a brilliant idea for a project that will benefit both your community and the environment, we want to hear from you. As a not-for-profit community benefit society, Heart of England Community Energy uses surplus income to support local community organisations.
We’ve supported some incredible community and carbon reduction projects in South Warwickshire, Stratford upon Avon and nearby areas.
How and when to apply:
We wish to receive applications which: Alleviate people from fuel poverty and social deprivation, and address carbon reduction in your local area. All applications can do one or both of these things, but must have a social benefit.
How much is available? We have at least £50,000 available each year to deploy in the South Warwickshire area. We will consider multi-year funding to organisations delivering longer-term programmes.
When can you apply? Applications are reviewed quarterly please submit applications by the 1st of January, April 1st, July 1st, October 1st. Funding applications will be reviewed at quarterly board meetings (Feb, May, August, November). We aim to notify successful applicants within 14 days of a decision being made.
How do you apply? Express your interest by emailing info@hecommunityenergy.org and we will send you an application form to complete. Please submit by our quarterly application deadline.
To find out more about the types of applications we accept, please click on the button below to download more information.