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Still time to apply for latest round of Community Grants


Heart of England Community Energy (HECE) invites local, community-led organisations to apply for grants designed to help achieve their green goals and objectives. To be considered for the latest round of funding, you'll need to submit your application by the end of July.

HECE’s community grant fund uses surplus income from our solar farms to support an annual small grants fund dedicated to enhancing the local community. We are looking to fund two types of projects:

  • Community benefit projects: Initiatives that focus on social benefit, aiming to alleviate individuals from fuel poverty and social deprivation.

  • Carbon reduction projects: Initiatives that have a positive environmental impact, contributing to carbon reduction efforts within our local area.

All applications should align with one or both of these objectives. Eligible applicants include any group, club, committee, or charity dedicated to improving the lives of local people within South Warwickshire, Stratford-upon-Avon, and surrounding areas.

The deadline for applications is the 31st of July, and applications will be considered at a meeting of the board of local directors in August. Not many communities have their own solar farm, don’t miss this opportunity to secure funding for your community project! 

Here are some examples of the types of projects we aim to fund:

  • Implementing renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions for local community buildings and schools

  • Projects which improve the well-being of socially disadvantaged people or communities

  • Community-led nature conservation projects

  • Community-led efforts to promote sustainable food practices

  • Community and youth-led activity to help develop a vision and plans for a net zero future.

  • Projects which support and enable people to remove themselves from fuel poverty

  • Nature-based and environmental educational activities

For more information, including access to the application form, guidance, and eligibility criteria, please email We look forward to hearing from you!


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