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Thanks from SolarAid

Thanks to supporters like the Heart of England Community Energy Limited, SolarAid were able to launch the programme in 2021, recruiting the first 41 groups of Mayi Walas. The team in Malawi have just been out to chat (and dance!) with the very first groups, to learn about how becoming a Mayi Wala has impacted their lives:

Magret Nkhata lives in Imran village with her four children. She said ‘My dream is to continue the solar business so that everyone should have access. The whole area should have access to light, that is my dream.’

Beatrix Maini lives in Nyama with her children. She is happy with the solar power the programme has brought to her village ‘Once the solar lights arrived, the children have been able to study and they are performing well. Their future will be bright.

Thanks to your generous donation of £2,500, 2 groups of Mayi Walas were established, creating entrepreneurship opportunities for women to bring safe, clean solar light to their communities.

The team is currently recruiting more Mayi Wala groups across Malawi. Over the next three years, this programme will support 230 groups across 25 of 28 districts in Malawi.

To find out more about SolarAid and how to donate please see:


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