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AGM 2019 Agenda

Heart of England Community Energy Limited

Annual General Meeting 2019


1. Welcome

2. Heart of England Community Energy update:

a. Performance of solar farms.

b. Payment of share and bond interest.

c. Community projects supported.

d. Refinance of the current Close Brothers loan with a long-term loan from Triodos Bank.

e. Future bond offer plans.

3. Resolutions/ Extraordinary Resolutions:

a. To present Heart of England Community Energy accounts for the year ending 31st

December 2018. Note these will be the draft unaudited accounts. Audited accounts will

be circulated following the AGM.

b. To delegate to the directors the authority to appoint auditors

c. To elect the board of directors

4. Guest speakers:

Richard Milward, Act on Energy.

Bob Sherman, Harbury E-Wheels.

5. AOB

6. Close

Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be served at the meeting from arrival.

If you have not already, please RSVP to

Authorised by the Heart of England Community Energy board

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